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Who we are

Organizationis a non-profit organization that brings care to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.

We empower children, youth, and families to effectively navigate through change, raise healthy children, develop strong relationships, and heal from trauma. We offer regular, consistent support to those in need so that the children in our care can develop over time, giving them the chance to create a brighter future.

Our Fundraising Projects

Even with a single impact, we can create a miracle for an orphaned child.
$10000.00 donated of $15000.00 goal
Even with a single impact, we can create a miracle for an orphaned child.
$10000.00 donated of $20000.00 goal
Even with a single impact, we can create a miracle for an orphaned child.
$10000.00 donated of $18000.00 goal

What we do

We provide quality child care, education, and family-strengthening services:

  • Provide affordable behavioral and mental health services for all
  • Empower children to achieve their fullest potential
  • Enhance parent-child relationships and school performance
  • Provide financial education and money management tools

organization living
in institutions

Empower children

We provide quality child care, education and family Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,

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Empower children

We provide quality child care, education and family Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,

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Empower children

We provide quality child care, education and family Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,

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Empower children

We provide quality child care, education and family Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,

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Join Our Team Today



Making a difference has never been easier. Our easy-to-use fundraising platform allows you to create and personalize your very own fundraising page in minutes. …


Making a difference has never been easier. Our easy-to-use fundraising platform allows you to create and personalize your very own fundraising page in minutes. …
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Making a difference has never been easier. Our easy-to-use fundraising platform allows you to create and personalize your very own fundraising page in minutes. …
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Major Partners and Supporters

Organisation  would like to thank all of our sponsors without their contributions, we would not be able to provide care and support orphans, powerless young-women, and broken families.

care for a child

Sponsoring the child gives new opportunities for live

We believe that every life matters and our passion is to see those we work with follow their hearts, pursue their dreams, receive the love of the Father, and live a life with purpose. Join the Havel Scholarship program. Together we can care for orphans.

Scholarship package includes: tuition, school materials, school uniforms, meals throughout the day at school and a personal relationship built with the child’s caregivers or family. For $10 per month, you’ll help a child receive a private education; helping them stand tall, have hope and be free from poverty!

support a lorem children

Become a partner with $10 monthly

Your support helps us provide each child we serve with the tools they need to thrive

become a volunteer

Become a partner with $10 monthly

Your support helps us provide each child we serve with the tools they need to thrive

become a partner

Become a partner with $10 monthly

Your support helps us provide each child we serve with the tools they need to thrive


Let Organization Feel Our Support

Your support helps us provide each child we serve with the tools they need to thrive in school and adulthood

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